Your Parish Council
Jonathan Philip Tribe
Jon was born in Neath South Wales and has lived in the parish since 1988. On leaving school, Jon followed his passion for flying and worked as a flying instructor becoming an airline pilot in 1984. Jon continues to love his work and, when not jet-lagged, enjoys body pump classes at Stratford Leisure Centre, walking the dog, trying to keep the garden under control and, as his good friends know, sleeping. Jon is married to Clair and has two sons, James and Henry, who were both born and raised in the parish.
Tel: 07887 760030
John Batchelor
John was born in Southam and has lived in the parish for 25 years. He trained as an engineer and is currently the owner of two local companies.
Married with three children and two grandchildren.
Interests: sport, rugby, football, gardening, fishing, local community, countryside activities, and whatever my family tell me I have to do.
Tel.: 01789 267145
Mobile: 07767 896077