
Welcome to Clifford Chambers and Milcote Parish Council

This site is provided to give residents and visitors information about the Parish Council as well as activities and events held in the village of Clifford Chambers.

Parish councils are the first level of local government. They provide communities with a democratic voice and a structure for taking community action.

How the Parish Council Works

The role and powers of the Parish Council are set out in law, funded through council tax from residents (the Precept).

Clifford Chambers & Milcote Parish Council consists of six members elected for a four -year term of office. If a member leaves mid term their vacant seat is advertised and if there is no call for a by-election, the vacancy is filled by co-option.

All Parish Councillors are required to follow the Members Code of Conduct, to ensure compliance with the requirements of holding public office. The code requires members to register their interests along with those of their spouse or partner and this register is published online by the District Council.

Clifford Chambers & Milcote Parish Council currently meets monthly, bar August and December, at the Jubilee Village Hall on the third Wednesday evening at 7.30pm.

Your Parish Councillors


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