Useful Information
Is located on the front of the village hall, with instructions.
Phone 999 (24h)
For emergencies only.
Phone 111 (24h)
NHS telephone line for urgent medical concerns. You will speak to a fully trained advisor who can assess if you need an ambulance and send one immediately if necessary.
A&E (24h)
Warwick Hospital, Lakin Rd, Warwick, CV34 5BW. (Phone 01926 495321)
The nearest full 24h NHS Accident & Emergency facility.
Minor Injuries Units (09:00 – 17:00, 7 days a week)
Stratford Hospital, Arden St, Stratford on Avon, CV37 6NX. (Phone 01789 205831)
Ellen Badger Hospital, Stratford Rd, Shipston on Stour, CV36 4AX. (Phone 01608 661410)
Village First Aiders
Les Moseley 296019 / 07779 266018 – 27 The Square
Phone 999 (24h)
For emergencies only.
Phone 101 (24h)
National helpline for non-emergencies. For example: to report a crime that is not currently in progress such as a stolen car, burglary or damaged property; to give information about crime in the area; to speak to the police about a general enquiry; to contact a specific police officer or member of staff.
Stratford Police Station (see below for hours)
Rother St, Stratford, CV37 6RD. (Phone 01789 414111)
Mon-Fri 08:00 – 17:00
Sat 09:00 – 17:00
Sun / B Hol 10:00 – 16:00
Crimestoppers (0800 555 111)
National helpline which you can contact anonymously with information about crime.
Action Fraud (0300 123 2040)
The UK’s national fraud and cybercrime reporting centre.