The Archive Group
The Archive Group Facebook page can be found at:
Back in the 1970s Women’s Institutes across the country were encouraged to put together their own village history and in Clifford this resulted in the WI scrapbook. It is still available to borrow from Angela Wylam (t: 01789 268156). This endeavour inspired Linda Pollock to think about creating a village archive group.
From its photographic and paper base much has now been digitally scanned so that the archive can be accessed online through Facebook. Parishioners, their friends and relatives have donated a good deal of the material. And to keep things up to date, Linda, together with husband Myles, takes photographs at as many village events as possible.
The Facebook page has built up quite a following not only within the parish but countrywide, with relatives of parishioners and also historians taking a look.
Today’s news becomes tomorrow’s history and the archive is always happy to receive photographs, paper and digital material as people de-clutter or move house. The archives are taken to a number of village meetings – usually based on a theme such as 'The Scarecrow Competition', floods and catastrophes or fetes – and they often bring back many memories.
When you are next having a clear out and you come across anything relating to the parish that might be interesting for the archives then do give Linda a call. She can be contacted on 01789 266253.
Back row (left to right): ??, ??, ??, Mrs Raid Dodd, ?, Laura Richardson, Pauline Ulyatt, Daphne Bramwell, Maisie Wilks, Mary James, Winn Baker, Rosemary Johnson.
Front row (l-r): Betty Walker, ?, Madge Reece, Kathleen ?, Katie ?, Barbara Brown, Maria Hornby.